The weather is getting too warm for snow peas. If you look at our snow pea crop, it is starting to look drier and will wither in a few weeks. I would recommend in the next week or so that we harvest all the snow peas and remove the plants. This will allow more room for our beans and potatoes. If you want to arrange a day, just email me or leave a comment on this blog.
The garlic is looking good, I think. I turned off the water for the garlic, so that it can dry out before harvest. It is important that the garlic receives no water in the next couple of weeks, so that it will not rot after we harvest it. The leaves are becoming brown, which is a good thing, as the garlic plant is storing the energy from the leaves in the cloves below. When we harvest it, we will pull the entire plant out, and hang it to dry inside the school. In September, I hope we'll have a nice crop of cured garlic that will keep for a few months. We will have to arrange a harvesting day in a couple of weeks, preferably on a weekday, since we will need access to the school. Send me an email or leave a comment.
As you have probably noticed, the tomatoes have a problem with curling leaves. I am not sure what the problem is, but I can guess that it was related to the cold weather the tomatoes experienced in the early summer. We will still get some tomatoes, but the crop will be reduced by 90% I think. Disappointing. we will have to research what went wrong so that it doesn't happen again. Try googling it.
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